Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Creating a culture of diversity and equal opportunity  

Our diversity is a strength. It enlightens us. It strengthens us. It fuels original thought. We cultivate and strengthen an inclusive and equitable culture in which everyone is seen and heard, and their contributions are respected and valued.

Leadership development programmes, personalised programmatic career mobility, and worldwide possibilities are all available.

To provide our workers with a secure environment where they can communicate, learn, work together, and develop, our inclusive workplace offers a variety of purpose-led ERGs.




Our belief in diversity

We value neurodiversity, as well as diversity in colour, country, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical ability, as an equal opportunity workplace.

Everyone is unique. Our trips and experiences are unique. And, by bringing the collective strength of varied thought to bear, we can change the status quo, improve outcomes, and innovate in order to achieve our common goals.

Our emphasis on ‘Inclusion without Exception’ is motivated by a five-pillar strategy to diversity, equity, and inclusion: Representation, Ecosystem, Enablement, Engagement, and Development.

With our slogan “Inclusion without Exception,” we include different aspects of workplace diversity:

Gender Inclusion fosters gender equity by boosting skill and capacity via behavioural and attitudinal changes.

Cyanvave understands that having a diverse workforce provides a competitive edge, increases performance and profitability, and fosters a rich culture of various ideas, attitudes, and possibilities. Through the prism of human interactions, we utilise individual talents and power creativity to establish a ‘future ahead’ attitude.

We promote an equitable work environment for all as a value-driven multi-dimensional organisation and equal opportunity employer. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) framework, which is part of our LeaD (Leadership and Diversity) function, has evolved to a segment-based focus over the years, earmarking the various facets of diversity—gender inclusion, LGBTQ+ inclusion, people with disabilities, neurodiversity inclusion, and race and ethnicity inclusion.

LGBTQ+ Inclusion establishes a new standard of inclusion at Cyanvave, where every member of the community feels psychologically comfortable to bring their genuine self to work.

Individuals with Disabilities and Neurodiversity Through an atmosphere of access and awareness, inclusion eliminates the culture of silence and shame around disability.

Culture and Difference Inclusion fosters a cosmopolitan attitude that allows people to interact and work across cultural borders.

Race and Ethnic Diversity assures that all people, regardless of race, nationality, ethnic origin, caste, or religion, have equal chances for representation, involvement, knowledge, growth, and professional advancement.

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